International DX Group

2 Division USA

1. Listen before calling

2. Make short calls with breaks to listen

3. The usual procedure of a QSO is to give a signal report and tell your name and location. Make reports honestly. Give as much information in the first transmission.

4. Check transmitter adjustment. Avoid splatter. Keep modulation constant. Don't ride the microphone gain. Keep the gain down and do not whistle into the microphone.

5. REMEMBER : The QSL is considered as the final courtesy of a contact and is an amateur radio tradition. If you want a QSL from your contact, send him/her a card. And as a matter of common courtesy, send a card to everyone who sends you one.

6. Never break into a conversation. Always wait until both operators have finished, even if it takes one hour, and even if it means you loose the contact. It is ok to announce that you are on the side (once only).

7. If you hear someone calling for a particular country or particular station, unless it is your county do not answer. Please wait one minute to determine if the station calling has made contact with the station or country he has called for. If you do no hear a contact made, then try your call for him.

8. Send QSL cards only with the permission of the station contacted!

9. Don't repeat on the radio the QSL address that appears on the directory.

10. Say the callsign once, after that repeat only the unit number without the full callsign.

11. Don't write unit number or callsign on the envelope. NO QRZ on envelopes.

12. Don't use 27.555/26.285 for QSO because it is an international call frequency!
