International DX Group

2 Division USA

If you want to work an interesting station or expedition, you need a different behaviour than for a normal QSO.

1. As soon as you know that the DXpedition is activated, look for it (internet clusters) at the usual time to monitor that zone or continent.

2. Listen carefully on the frequency before you make the call.

3. Before you contact a DX'pedition, listen carefully for the callsign and the QSL information and try to find out the address of his manager instead of constantly asking. It pays to have as much information BEFORE you make the call for a progressive number.

4. Make short calls with your callsign only (or even only unit number). DX'peditions are done by experienced operators that know which country belongs to which prefix. If you are called by the team, confirm your callsign and the received progressive number. Add maybe signal report and your name (depends on the pileup).

5. Never give your address to a DX'pedition, you only produce QRM.

6. Some expeditions are a working with lists (anticipated pile ups), that means they listen carefully and write down the callsigns. If they acknowledge your callsign, you shouldn't call anymore.

7. Be a gentleman and standby if someone else is talking to the team. If you do not disturb the exchange of the details, the expedition can continue more quickly with the calling stations.

8. Send your QSL as soon as possible including progressive number and your return address. Do not forget the required contribution and add a Self-Addressed-Envelope (SAE). This will shorten the returning time.
